Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics ; volume II

Susan Friedlander & Denis Serre, editors

Table of contents

1. Raoul Robert. Statistical hydrodynamics, pp 1.
2. Yann Brenier. Topics on hydrodynamics and volume preserving maps, pp 55.
3. Alexander Shnirelman. Weak solutions of incompressible Euler equations, pp 87.
4. Peter Constantin. Near identity transformations for the Navier-Stokes equations, pp 117.
5. Matania Ben-Artzi. Planar Navier-Stokes equations. Vorticity approach, pp 143.
6. Anatoly Babin. Attractors of Navier-Stokes equations, pp 169.
7. Michael Renardy and Yuriko Renardy. Stability and instability in viscous fluids, pp 223.
8. Susan Friedlander and Alexander Lipton-Lifschitz. Localized instabilities in fluids , pp 289.
9. Andrew Gilbert. Dynamo theory , pp 355.
10. Fredric Dias and Gerard Iooss. Water-waves as a spatial dynamical system , pp 443.
11. Jeffrey Groah, Joel Smoller and Blake Temple. Solving the Einstein equations by Lipschitz continuous metrics: Shock waves in general relativity , pp 501.

Author Index, pp 597.
Subject Index, pp 609.